About Arik Bjorn

Arik Bjorn looking authorial.


Arik is a novelist and essayist, but most importantly, a dad. He enjoys French silk pie as well as a quality shot of bourbon. His writing explores such themes as the Problem of Pain and building Civilization (or at least humanity’s efforts to-date). He also likes to honk at slowpokes.


His writing has been featured on a number of national websites, including Patheos and Forward Progressives. He was also a weekly columnist for Columbia City Paper. He has been read by lots of folks in 190 countries.


Arik has published ten books.  His most recent title, This is Not a Self-Help Book: And You Can Too!, is a Jesus take the wheel “of cheese” health recovery journey memoir. (If you’re going to lose 85 pounds, might as well write about it.)


He also recently published Uber Nights, about his late-night rideshare adventures in the Deep South. In South Carolina, you never know if your next passenger will be a naked lady with a toothbrush, a banana spider, or a punch-drunk redneck.


Arik has also published a novel, The Prodigal, as well as three essay collections: Waiting for CivilizationThe R-Rated Theologian, and Why Bad Things Happen to Good Parrots. He has one short story collection, Birds of a Feather, as well as a book of verse, Pocket Lint.


So I Ran for Congress chronicles his experience running for U.S. Congress. Show & Tell at World’s End is a social media diary about life in South Carolina during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Arik is the author of several manuscripts for sale, including a screenplay and two comedy television pilots.


He holds degrees in archaeology, ancient languages, and library science. He loves snow and hippos and enjoys retelling the story of how he was once shat upon by pigeons during Mass in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and thereafter fled down the Via Dolorosa in search of a towel.


Arik is a native son of Minnesota. He is now holed up in The Bronx toiling away on a new novel entitled SUGAR.


Also, he sincerely apologizes for the necessity to describe himself in the third person. He has an original literary voice, but if you want him to sound like Maurice Chevalier, it will cost extra. Please support his writing career. He has a family to feed.



Shameless Arik Bjorn Facebook Writer Page plug. Followed by shameless Arik Bjorn Instagram plug: arikbjorn.


Click here to purchase This is Not a Self-Help Book: And You Can Too! and Uber Nights!


Credit: John A. Carlos II.