“Trump-onomics,” a mini-play

Larry: Hey, neighbor, from six feet away, I can see—I mean smell—you’ve got some mighty fine rotisserie chicken there. Kendra: Yeah, and a Glock on my hip. So don’t try anything funny, Larry. Larry: No, no, no, Kendra, you’ve got me all wrong. (reaches into bag) But as you can see, I’m the […]
Read MorePosted by Arik Bjorn
- Posted in Arik's Blog
Mar, 29, 2020
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The Bjorn Effect: Stupid Don’t Know Stupid

Tonight’s “Fireside Chat with Arik” might have something to do with a major Evangelical college reopening its academic pearly gates for students and microbes alike. (Some might call it the Covid Crusade.) It might have something to do with Trump’s approval rating reaching an all-time high. And, yes, that was Sophia, the goddess of […]
Read MorePosted by Arik Bjorn
- Posted in Arik's Blog
Mar, 26, 2020
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I think Uber Nights is the perfect bathroom book. If there are any public libraries out there listening, I think they should put a copy in every stall.
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