Manuscripts for Sale

Arik Bjorn is the author of three manuscripts for sale. He is seeking a publisher/producer, as well as an agent.


Serious inquiries only. Must have a professional publishing or production background or be a professional agent. Please use the CONTACT ME link at the bottom of this page.




Litten’s Passion

121 pages

co-written with Debi King McMartin and Evelyn “Lyn” Morgan




Litten’s Passion is the forgotten true story of the First Victim of the Holocaust.


Hans Litten was a saintly German attorney who worked tirelessly for the poor and was opposed to the rise of fascism in Europe. In 1931, Litten interrogated Hitler in court, and embarrassed the future Führer before the entire German nation. After the burning of the Reichstag in 1933, one of Hitler’s first acts of power was to arrest Litten and several dozen other “political trophies.” These were the original concentration camp prisoners.


For the next five years, Litten was mercilessly tortured and told he would be the last prisoner ever released from a camp. Meanwhile, his mother, Irmgard Litten, and prominent British pacifist, Lord Allen of Hurtwood, led an underground, “Schindler-esque” struggle to free Hans Litten. Lord Allen met with Hitler several times, and urged members of the Nazi Inner Circle to release Litten. Irmgard bravely defied many Nazi officials and pulled many strings to stay in constant contact with her son.


Hans Litten was murdered at Dachau in February 1938. Soon thereafter, Lord Allen rescued Irmgard from Germany.


Litten’s Passion is the true story of Hans Litten and the other initial victims of the Holocaust, including Carl von Ossietzky (who received the Nobel Peace Prize from a concentration camp). Their story is one the world cannot afford to forget.


Click here to read an interview with Arik Bjorn about the discovery of Litten’s story and the screenwriting process. Below is a sample page from the script:

LP Scene





The Prodigal: A Divine Comedy, of sorts

104,000 words


The Prodigal is my reshaping of Dante’s Divine Comedy for a contemporary world. This is the first volume of three intended. Book I is based on Inferno. (An Amazon self-published version of The Prodigal is available here.)


In the first volume of the Divine Comedy, of sorts trilogy, protagonist and theologian, Dante Peccato, falls hard from grace within a 24-hour period in Washington DC, with various commentary from Author, Muse and a great cloud of ribald characters, including strippers, drug dealers, a Norwegian urologist and a gigantic bronze hippopotamus.


The Prodigal took 25 years to write, and was self-published in 2020. (See link above for available editions.) I am seeking a formal publishing house for broad distribution:







Happy Acres

48 pages

co-written with Todd Morehead


In the face of a daily onslaught of Southern stereotypes and black humor, Bibliophile Books manager Harper Sherman does his best to hold together the oldest independent bookstore in the Southeast. But his misfit staff doesn’t make it easy, nor does the absurd cast of retailers in the Happy Acres Mini-Mall. Whether battling Evangelical bakers and their Christ éclairs or the megacorp Books-a-Plenty across the street, somehow Harper and the Bibliophile gang always live to retail another day.


Season 1: Episode 1: “Sherman’s Merch”

Under new ownership, the oldest independent bookstore in the Southeast changes its name from Antebellum Books to Bibliophile Books. The owner of Five Loaves Christian Bakery assumes the new name means the bookstore has become a pornographer haven. Meanwhile, Bibliophile fights hand-over-fist with Books-a-Plenty to host First Lady Michelle Obama’s first stop on her new children’s fitness book tour. However, when several thousand copies of an infamously racist title mistakenly arrive for the signing, things head truly south for Harper Sherman and the Bibliophile staff.



[The authors are currently writing Episodes 2 through 7 of Season One.]



Below is a sample page from the pilot script:


Capture 3

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